Introduction to Ecclesiology

...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:18).

Christianity is a team sport.

I think basketball is a good analogy. Unlike football, you can play a reasonable imitation of a proper basketball game one-on-one. But you cannot play one-on-five against a team. Trying to do battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil by yourself is like trying to play one-on-five basketball against a professional team: You simply cannot win. You need a team. You need the Church.

What is the Church? The Church is not a building. And the Church is not an event. What happens on Sunday morning is a meeting of the Church.

The Church is a community. It is the assembly of the people God has called to himself. There is one Church, and there are many, many local gatherings of the people of God called churches.

What is the Church supposed to be? Why do we gather? How are we supposed to help each other in our war against the enemy? Why is the church sometimes not very attractive? These are the kinds of questions we’ll consider as we look at the Doctrine of the Church.

Image via Pixabay

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